Photographer, Educator
'Arch Tatter' is the first image shot in the photo essay 'In Site' reveals a hidden community, and unseen images of people who lived on the fringes of society. Set in a zeitgeist of apocalyptic domesticity that existed in East London over two decades, a social-cultural anthropology is disclosed; juxtaposed with the mainstream society it was adjacent to. The images provide a glimpse of an underground lifestyle, with roots in GRT (Gypsy, Roma Travellers) and New Travellers communities. Respect, freedom, truth, and beauty are conveyed, with an unpretentious perception of the experience and expression of an urban sub-culture. Embedded are elements of citizenship, domesticity, and sustainability as a strong societal message, in contrast to industrialization and capitalism. *This image was created when the photographer who had lived within this community witnessed the scene, and asked the protagonist to pause and pose. He chose to stand with his back to the camera, as he did not like to have his photograph taken.
Vote for Arch Tatter in the Documentary category of the British Photography Awards 2024